
Looking for the path to success? Unsure after graduating? With my coaching, you’ll find YOUR way. Take charge of your future!

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You’re at the end of High School or have just passed your Abitur, but what should you do afterwards? Maybe you’ve been out of school for a while and feel disoriented. Or you’ve started studying something, but you feel it’s not the right thing for you? You don’t want to take parental advice because you are in a phase of life where you want to make adult and self-determined decisions. But wouldn’t it be a good feeling to finally know how you can start your professional future and which degree programme suits your talents, abilities and skills and motivates you in particular? We will answer these and other key questions together so that you can start your career path energetically, happily and with motivation.
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Choosing a place to study or train is difficult. At the end of school, very few young adults know what their talents, skills and abilities are and what motivates them so much that they forget about them.
Looking for the path to success? Unsure after graduation?
Media img wish list.svg Do you know this? In school there was nothing you were particularly interested in except art and sports? Math, physics and chemistry were exciting, but what would be the profession with which I would earn money? Reading and discussing and history are my passion, but my parents say that you can’t earn money with it. Or you didn’t really like any subject, but you are passionate about meeting people, watching movies, being on the Internet and chatting with others? And the question that is often asked: What kind of education will give me the security I want?
Media img family.svg Your parents, relatives and friends mean well and make suggestions because they know you best, but you are reluctant to accept these suggestions. This is because the parent-child relationship stands in the way of a neutral assessment on the subject of studies and training, in the phase of life you are currently in. As a young adult you want to make your own first big decisions. But how?

Quotes from the coachees

Still unsure? Read what my clients have said.

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The basis for your decision, which study or teaching profession you take up, is the knowledge about your talents, your abilities, your skills and your motivations. Knowing what values are important to you in life should also help shape your decision.
With my coaching, you’ll discover YOUR way.
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I help you with the methods of systemic coaching and counseling to find answers to your questions and to work solution-oriented on your first educational goal. So that you are energetic and motivated to start the first step on your training path.

Do any of these questions sound familiar?

Then I can help you find your own personal answer.

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Career Planning in Science: Workshop University of Erlangen
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I have completed my knowledge in recent years with training as a Systemic DVCT-certified coach at the ICO Institute in Munich. In Systemic Coaching I do not create solutions for you, but make sure that you actively develop a solution that suits you. The decisive advantage: It will be your solution, it will be your way. Nothing is imposed from the outside, and experience shows that the paths you find yourself are easier to follow.
Interested in career coaching / university coaching?
Then just contact with me.